Last weekend was ASTL 2011, and it was great fun! I barely left my table at all, and unfortunately didn't stay for any of the evening activities after the dealer's room closed. :( But, lots of fabulous and entertaining people stopped by and shopped at my table, so the weekend was a success overall. I also hung out with my fellow artist buddies
Handmade Geek and
Black Paladin during and after the con - I see Handmade Geek all the time at taiko practice (if you don't know what that is, go
here), but the rest of the group are people I only see at cons, so it was a lovely time!
A HUGE shoutout to everyone who fulfilled my quest - I have never eaten so well (on so little money) at a convention before!! A few people were especially awesome.. you know who you are. ~_^
I also grabbed a couple pictures of people who bought my hair clips, and promptly wore them around. I know there were more people, but these three I happened to catch on camera. They've been added to my "
Hair Clips in Action" album too.
(The other 2 after the break.)