Friday, February 25, 2011

Hair Clip Pictures

Here's me playing with my new camera some more. I had my lovely friend Liz model the anime emotion hair clips, and put those in a new album on Picasa. Click below to see all 4 pictures.

If anybody wants to send me pictures of yourself/your friends wearing these hair clips, or with any other items you've purchased from me, I would love to post those on my blog! This announcement is going up on the Conventions page as well.

Hair Clips in Action

I've decided to add links to any Picasa albums I create over on the sidebar, too, so they will be easy to find.

In other news, only 2 weeks left before Kawa Kon!! I'm nearly finished re-stocking the items I sold at Bishie Con, and have a few new ideas in progress too. There will be more pictures coming soon!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Pictures Up!

I've finally put up some new pictures on the merchandise page! My photography skills are not so fabulous, but these picture are still a vast improvement thanks to my new camera.

I have also changed the design of the "depressed" hair clip, to make it look more cloud-like. Behold!

The rest of the new pictures are after the jump.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

New "About" Page

Well, it's been an awfully long time since my last post. >.> I still haven't gotten very far with my new camera, and replacing the current not-so-pretty pictures on the site, but that will happen soon!

Today's big news is that I've finally typed out a blurb about me, to be found on the new "About" page at the top. I hate writing about myself, so that took an embarrassingly long time to write, but at least I have something to improve and add onto in the future. (Suggestions, insults, questions, critiques, etc. are always welcome.)

I'm also slowly re-stocking various items for Kawa Kon, and will have at least one new thing to show off before the convention!