Monday, January 10, 2011

Cheese-kun's Adventures

Here are some pictures of the first Cheese-kun's first trip to Otakon in 2009. He had so much fun on that trip! (So did the rest of us. ^__^)

New Email!

Brand new email address: craftyotaku at gmail dot com! I've also transferred control of this blog over to the craftyotaku email, so now all the related google stuff (gmail, picasa, and blogger) can be managed in one place.

I've also updated the Merchandise page with some small fixes related to organizing my pictures, and put the new email address in the relevant places.

Someday I am going to put up a real profile, and a proper "About Me" page, and start posting pictures from my new camera (it is soooo nice) and all sorts of fun stuff.

edited to add: I've also removed all the little summaries of past conventions on the "Conventions" page. Talking about what the con was like is the job of a proper blog post, not 2 sentences cluttering up that page! It's not too long now, but if I keep going to conventions, it'll just keep getting longer and longer...