Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Post Bishie Con Cleanup - Bondage Time!

Bishie Con continued to be excellent on Sunday, and then Christmas took over for a week, and life was crazy.. but it was all worth it! My wonderful, fabulous, esteemed parents got me a new camera!!! I haven't had much time to play with it yet, but pictures should be getting better around here, from now on.

I have cleaned up and updated the merchandise page, and the conventions page. I also fixed my time zone, so the posts actually show the correct posting time... oopsie.

But most importantly, I am posting the step-by-step instruction pictures from the bondage panel Saturday night! So without further ado...

Square not vs Granny Knot
The square knot is the good knot - it won't come loose like the granny knot does. It's pretty easy to tell the difference when this knot is by itself, but you'll want to practice it a bit so you can tell the difference when it's piled on top of other knots too.

This is a square knot. This is what you want!
This is a granny knot. BAD! Look at how the circled part is different than in the square knot.
The rest (there's lots!) after the break:

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Bishie Con Days 1 and 2

The first couple of days at Bishie Con have been most fun! I haven't seen much of it, being behind my table in the dealer's room most of the day, but it looks like this year (the second year) is going to be even better than the first year.

Today I got this awesome present right before the dealer's room closed:

Handmade Geek was kind enough to take a picture of the drawing with her phone and email it to me. Sadly, by the time dinner (which was, in fact, pizza) came around I was already out of my C.C. costume, and had no Cheese-kun to cuddle. Otherwise, I would totally have reenacted this picture. To the person that drew this, thank you!! I am going to try to find you tomorrow to give you a present in return, but if you change costumes I might fail at that, because I am terrible at faces (and names, and birthdays, and...).

Also, thank you to everyone who came to the bondage panel! It was tons of fun, and I will be posting on here some pictures I had intended to use as visual aids/instructions at the panel, if there had been a projector. It might take a while, though, if I decide to use this extra time to clean them up, or retake any, or put together text instructions to go with them. Everyone who wrote their email down will get notified when all that stuff finally gets posted though. ^___^

Time to replenish a few more hair clips (man, those have sold fast again!) if I can stay awake long enough, then BEDTIME so I can hopefully survive one more day of con.

Friday, December 17, 2010

It's Past Midnight, So Bishie Con is TODAY!

Crunch Time for Bishie Con is officially over, and now it is simply TIME.

Something I totally forgot to mention: Handmade Geek and I are running a panel! It is a hands-on workshop called Bondage 101, and it is scheduled Saturday night at 9:30pm. I'll have to check out the room to decide for sure how many people we'll have room for with the hands-on part, but I have a feeling it won't be enough.. it just seems like it'll be a popular topic at this convention. ^_^ This is the first panel (or workshop) I've ever run at a convention, so wish me luck!

The merchandise page has been updated as well - check out some new pictures there, or after the break:

Sunday, December 12, 2010

New Merchandise Pics

I am in full-on constant sewing mode now, and making serious headway on the stuff I want to have done before Bishie Con! These pictures are absolutely terrible - I stuck a business card in there for scale, but did not think of the fact that a white business card on a white background is basically invisible... also holding my laptop out at weird angles while trying to control Photo Booth sucks, so this is as good as its gonna get until my new camera arrives.  >.<  Try to imagine the cuteness in person, un-blurry and with okay lighting! Without further ado, pics of what I've finished in the past few days:

More raincloud plushies.
Keychain sized raincloud plushies!
Keychain-sized Cheese-kun. The hat brim is made of a single large sequin!
Another full-size Cheese-kun (about 15" high).

The merchandise page has also been updated in a major way with all this new stuff - all the prices are listed there, so check it out!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Bishie Con Crunch Time

Yesterday was a big day - I mailed out the other Cheese-kun commission from Kollision Con, and finished my applications for graduate school! (Well, sort of. I still have one small form to finish filling out, and then scan and email to one of the schools. That will get done tomorrow when I visit my parents and their scanner. There are also 2 more applications I haven't even started, but the deadlines aren't until mid-January, so I'm not worrying about those until after Christmas. All the ones due next week are basically done, which is what counts right now.)

Accordingly, today began official Bishie Con Crunch Time. Today's project was Cheese-kun keychains, plus some general cleaning and organizing that I had been neglecting.  I really hope to finish re-stocking all the items I ran out of at Kollision by the end of this weekend, so I can have the few days right before Bishie to try out some new ideas. ^_^ Whether this is actually possible, though...

I've updated the merchandise page a bit, and I will try to post pictures as I work on stuff. I say "try," since I am still limited to my Mac and Photobooth. Rumor seems to be that I might get a new camera for Christmas, though, so huzzah!

Friday, December 3, 2010

More Cheese-kun! (and Real Life Stuff)

I have finally mailed off 1 of the 2 Cheese-kuns ordered at Kollision Con! The other should be ready to mail on Monday.

Ready to head for his new home!
While working on that one, I also ended up making a sideways Cheese-kun. I say sideways because the fabric is stretchy in only one direction, and I accidentally made this one vertically stretchy instead of horizontally. I try to make even the smaller Cheese-kuns fairly plump, for hugging purposes, so this guy is a little skinny for my tastes. Still, I will be bringing him to Bishie Con to see if someone can give him a good home.

Good hugging radius for a small child?

In real-life news, I am nearly done with my first round of graduate school applications. There are 4 schools on my list with deadlines in mid-December, so trying to get those done in a timely manner (and well before Bishie Con) has been keeping me pretty busy. I've finished 2 of them so far, and just need to tweak my personal statements and finish up some odds and ends for the other 2. With those and the Kollision Con orders done, I will finally be able to concentrate on replenishing my stock for Bishie Con!